Thursday, September 3, 2020
Mothers Day Quotes From Daughters
Moms Day Quotes From Daughters They may not know it, yet youthful girls frequently copy their moms. Somewhere down in her heart, each young lady resembles her mom. A mother comprehends this well. So she attempts to shield her little girl from the mishaps that she looked in her childhood. A few moms are known to pummel their girls. I have seen this myself. At the point when I asked a couple of mothers, why they fix the reins for little girls, the basic answer is, I need to set up her for the world to confront the difficult times of life. I have frequently thought about whether this methodology is right. In any case, I can't deny that underneath the exacting veneer, there is a mother who adores her little girl. This is the reason a mother is a little girls closest companion. Here are Mothers Day cites from little girls who have made extraordinary progress. Kate Beckinsale My little girl accompanies me all over the place. I don’t desert her. In any case, it is hard. That is to say, I figure any working mother will disclose to you that what sort of falls by the wayside, you know, are the long stretches of rest that you wish you had, what not. I feel unfathomably fortunate and favored, however I do once in a while feel like that exorcist woman! Ann Taylor Who hurried to help me when I fell,/Or kissed the spot to make it well? My mom. Sarah Josepha Hale No impact is so incredible as that of the mother. Katherine Butler Hathaway Mother is the one we rely on for the things that issue the vast majority of all. Lisa Alther Any mother could play out the employments of a few air-traffic controllers easily. Beverly Jones Presently, as usual, the most computerized apparatus in a family unit is the mother. Carrie Latet My mother is actually a piece of me. You cannot say that regarding numerous individuals aside from family members, and organ benefactors. Dorothy Canfield A mother isn't an individual to incline toward, yet an individual to make inclining superfluous. Helen Rowland It takes a lady twenty years to make a man of her child, and another lady twenty minutes to make a nitwit of him. Maya Angelou To portray my mom is expound on a typhoon in its ideal force. Barbara Kingsolver The quality of parenthood is more noteworthy than normal laws.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Shrek :: essays papers
Shrek Mythical serpent on Shrek Expectedly current draw connect or the great board overpass†¦oh and shouldn't something be said about this engineered overpass model? Recall what the princess stated, â€Å"Keep it simple†, so perhaps no engineered overpass, for the time being at any rate. Really awful none of her admirers are man enough to meander over that old weak demise trap of a scaffold that is as of now out there, darn aristocrats don’t even come around however once every decade in any case, I don’t see why I need to make them an extension to build their odds of taking my princess. Indeed, I wonder on the off chance that they even recognize what they are getting themselves into. That young lady, high upkeep, what number of individuals could tolerate†¦. â€Å"Dragooonnneeee†I despise it when she does that, doesn’t she understand that winged serpents have exceptionally touchy eardrums. Off to the chamber I go, must she call me when I simply start another venture? Attempting to fix that old scaffold over the magma pit is no cakewalk I trust she realizes†¦ †¦Ah indeed, I recall where I put that additional rope, it’s in the storm cellar close to the live with the gold†¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Hang on, I’m coming†schess, that princess demonstrations like a well†¦ like a princess†¦ however she could consider dropping the demonstration any day soon. All things considered, she will miss me if her ruler ever bearers her away†¦he ha ha†¦she be so old at that point that on the off chance that somebody came to safeguard her from my malevolent fire they will take one glance at her and unobtrusively escape the back channel connect like a child mythical beast with his sharp little humiliated. â€Å"What’s up Prissy?†hah, she loathes it when I call her that. â€Å"I detest it when you call me that†ah gracious, is that grin all over? That's right, positive smile, I know I’ve documented that look in the â€Å"up to no good†organizer, cautioning, cautioning. â€Å"Could you bring me a few tomatoes and a head of lettuce for tonight’s dinner. Get them out of the back nursery on the off chance that you could if you don't mind yet no hurry†. Was that a flash of devilishness or simply the setting sun pulling pranks on my eyes, and what is this no rush stuff, it positively appeared to be pressing one moment ago?â€Å"Yah, yah, yah, sure. Hello, did you get your letter that came by means of vultureculture express, I left it on the table in the feasting corridor, figured you would see it†she appears to be somewhat restless, staying away from eye to eye connection, murmur, who was that letter from?
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Self in the World the Social Context of Sylvia Plaths Late Poems Essay Example
The Self in the World: the Social Context of Sylvia Plaths Late Poems Essay The Self in the World: The Social Context of Sylvia Plaths Late Poems, [(essay date 1980) In the accompanying article, Annas offers examination of depersonalization in Plaths verse which, as per Annas, encapsulates Plaths reaction to abusive current society and her double awareness of self as both subject and item. ] For unquestionably it is time that the impact of disencouragement upon the brain of the craftsman ought to be estimated, as I have seen a dairy organization measure the impact of conventional milk and Grade A milk upon the body of the rodent. They set two rodents in confines next to each other, and of the two one was stealthy, tentative and little, and the other was shiny, intense and enormous. Presently what food do we feed ladies as specialists upon? Virginia Woolf, A Room of Ones Own The argumentative pressure among self and world is the area of importance in Sylvia Plaths late sonnets. Portrayed by a contention among balance and development, segregation and commitment, these sonnets are to a great extent about what disrupts the general flow of the chance of resurrection for oneself. In Totem, she composes: There is no end, just bags/Out of which a similar self unfurls like a suit/Bald and gleaming, with pockets of wishes/Notions and tickets, shortcircuits and collapsing mirrors. While in the early sonnets oneself was regularly imaged as far as its own opportunities for change, in the post-Colossus sonnets oneself is all the more frequently observed as caught inside a shut cycle. One movesbut just around and constantly back to a similar beginning stage. As opposed to oneself and the world, the Ariel sonnets record the self on the planet. We will compose a custom article test on The Self in the World: the Social Context of Sylvia Plaths Late Poems explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom paper test on The Self in the World: the Social Context of Sylvia Plaths Late Poems explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom paper test on The Self in the World: the Social Context of Sylvia Plaths Late Poems explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Oneself can change and create, change and be reawakened, just if the world in which it exists does; the conceivable outcomes of oneself are personally and inseparably bound up with those of the world. Sylvia Plaths feeling of entanglement, her feeling that her decisions are significantly constrained, is straightforwardly associated with the specific time and spot wherein she kept in touch with her verse. Betty Friedan depicts the late fifties and mid sixties for American ladies as an agreeable focus campphysically rich, intellectually severe and ruined. The repetitive similitudes of fracture and reificationthe deliberation of the individualin Plaths late verse are socially and truly based. They are pictures of Nazi death camps, of fire and bombs through the rooftop (The Applicant), of guns, of trains, of wars, wars, wars (Daddy). What's more, they are pictures of kitchens, refrigerators, calculators, typewriters, and the depersonalization of medical clinics. The ocean and the moon are as yet significant pictures for Plath, yet in the Ariel sonnets they have taken on a harsher quality. The moon, additionally, is unfeeling, she writes in Elm. While a horrendously intense feeling of the depersonalization and fracture of 1950s America is normal for Ariel, three sonnets portray especially well the social scene inside which the I of Sylvia Plaths sonnets is caught: The Applicant, Cut, and The Munich Mannequins. The Applicant is unequivocally a representation of marriage in contemporary Western culture. Nonetheless, the romance and wedding in the sonnet speak to male/female relations however human relations as a rule. That activity looking for is the focal illustration in The Applicant proposes a nearby association between the industrialist financial framework, the man centric family structure, and the general depersonalization of human relations. Some way or another all cooperation among individuals, and particularly that among people, given the historical backdrop of the utilization of ladies as things of deal, appears to be here to be adapted by the belief system of a bureaucratized commercial center. Anyway this framework began, the two people are involved in its propagation. As in a large number of Plaths sonnets, one feels in perusing The Applicant that Plath sees herself and her imaged personae as not just got invictims ofthis circumstance, yet in some sense blamable also. In The Applicant, the writer is talking legitimately to the peruser, tended to as you all through. We also are involved, for we also are potential candidates. Individuals are portrayed as injured and as dismantled bits of bodies in the main verse of The Applicant. In this way symbolism of dehumanization starts the sonnet. In addition, the pieces depicted here are not substance, yet a glass eye, dentures or a bolster,/A support or a snare,/Rubber bosoms or an elastic groin. We are as of now so engaged with a sterile and machine-overwhelmed culture that we are likely part ancient rarity and sterile ourselves. One is helped not exclusively to remember the symbolism of other Plath sonnets, yet in addition of the controlling allegory of Ken Keseys One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, composed at about a similar time as The Applicantin 1962, and Chief Bromdens conviction that those individuals who are coordinated into society are only assortments of haggles, littler copies of an easily working bigger social machine. The ward is a production line for the Combine, Bromden thinks. Something that came all curved distinctive is presently a working, balanced segment, an a worthy representative for the entire outfit and a wonder to view. Watch him sliding over the land with a welded smile . . . In refrain two of The Applicant, Plath portrays the vacancy which describes the candidate and which is a variation on the roboticized action of Keseys Adjusted Man. Are there join to show somethings missing? she inquires. The candidates hand is unfilled, so she gives a hand To fill it and ready To bring teacups and roll away migraines And do whatever you reveal to it Will you wed it? All through the sonnet, individuals are discussed as parts and surfaces. The suit presented in refrain three is at any rate as alive as th e empty man and mechanical doll lady of the sonnet. Truth be told, the suit, an ancient rarity, has more substance and positively more solidness than the individual to whom it is offered in marriage. At last, it is the suit which offers shape to the candidate where before he was vague, a garbage store of divided parts. I notice you are obvious exposed. What about this suit Black and hardened, however not an awful fit. Will you wed it? It is waterproof, shatterproof, confirmation Against fire and bombs through the rooftop. Trust me, theyll cover you in it. The man in the sonnet is at long last characterized by the dark suit he puts on, yet the meaning of the lady demonstrates her to be much progressively estranged and dehumanized. While the man is a garbage pile of different parts given shape by a suit of garments, the lady is a breeze up toy, a manikin of that dark suit. She doesnt even exist except if the dark suit needs and wills her to. Will you wed it? It is ensured To thumb shut your eyes toward the end And break up of distress. We make new stock from the salt. The lady in the sonnet is alluded to as it. Like the man, she has no singularity, however where his suit gives him structure, representing the job he plays in a bureaucratic culture, for the work he does, the main thing that gives the lady structure is the organization of marriage. She doesn't exist before it and breaks up once more into nothingness after it. In The Applicant there is in any event a ramifications that something exists underneath the keeps an eye on dark su it; that anyway divided he will be, he in any event weds the suit and he at any rate has a decision. Conversely, the lady is the job she plays; she doesn't exist separated from it. Bare as paper to begin, Plath composes, But in a quarter century shell be silver, In fifty, gold. A living doll, wherever you look. It can sew, it can cook. It can talk, talk, talk. The man, the sort of a standard issue enterprise junior official, is likewise estranged. He has opportunity of decision just in contrast with the significantly more restricted circumstance of the lady. In other words, he has relative opportunity of decision in direct extent to his job as perceived specialist in the financial structure of his general public. This ought not suggest, in any case, that this man is in any sort of fulfilling and important connection to his work. The accentuation in The Applicant upon the keeps an eye on surfacehis dark suittogether with the initial inquiry of the sonnet (First, would you say you are our kind of individual? ) recommends that even his relationship to his work won't be in any sense immediate or fulfilling. It will be sifted first through the suit of garments, at that point through the glass eye and elastic groin before it can arrive at the genuine individual, accepting there is anything left of him. The lady in the sonnet is viewed as a limb; she works, yet she works in a domain outside socially perceived work. She works for the man operating at a profit suit. She is viewed as reaching the world just with the help of the man, who is as of now twice evacuated. This buffering impact is exacerbated by the way that the man is presumably not occupied with work that would permit him to feel a relationship to the result of his work. He is likely an administrator or the like, and accordingly his relationship is to bits of paper, progressive and divided ideal models of the item (whatever it is, chamberpots or wooden tables) as opposed to the item itself. Also, obviously, the more cushioned the man is, the more supported the lady is, for it might be said her genuine relationship to the universe of work is that of purchaser as opposed to maker. In this way, her solitary relationship to socially satisfactory productionas restricted to consumptionis through the man. In another sense, in any case, the lady isn't a consum
Geography of water and energy resources Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4
Topography of water and vitality assets - Essay Example As a result, Kuwait has a for each capita salary of roughly $60,541, which is higher than the per capita pay in all G7 nations. Qatar has a for each capita salary that is over $93,000 on the grounds that it has a low populace and an exceptionally high GDP (Central Intelligence Agency, n.d.). In a synopsis, the Middle East OPEC individuals with low per capita salary are the countries with a huge populace of Iran and Iraq. Regardless of the reality the G7 nations register high GDP that are over the $1 trillion imprint, the Middle East OPEC individuals rival them on the dissemination of riches because of their little populace and enormous income from oil. As a rule, Middle East OPEC individuals are seen a battling countries with no capacity to opponent to the G7 nations. Actually residents of little nations like Kuwait, Qatar, and UAE appreciate higher per capita pay more than most G7 individuals. The main OPEC part that is viewed as poor is Iraq. It has per capita pay that is lower than ten thousand dollars, which is the most mediocre in all Middle East OPEC
Friday, August 21, 2020
Major studies of conformity
Significant investigations of similarity This paper will portray and assess a few significant investigations of similarity. Similarity has been characterized in number of ways. Crutchfield (1955), characterized similarity as respecting bunch pressure. Mann 1969 concurs with Crutchfield, anyway Mann (1969), contends that it might take various structures and be founded on thought processes other than bunch pressure. (Net p 479) Similarity is an adjustment in conviction or conduct in light of genuine or envisioned gathering pressure where there is no immediate solicitation to agree to the remainder of the gathering standard Zimbardo and Leippe (1991). A ton of research has been done to attempt to comprehend the circumstances people should be in to adjust and the variables influencing similarity. Anyway there are different social and methodological contemplations that influence the comprehension of similarity investigate. The primary investigation would be Jenness in 1932. Jenness was the main individual to consider similarity. Jenness solicited understudies to assess the number from beans in a jug. Taking people gauges first at that point put the people into gatherings and requested that they talk about their appraisals. When the discoveries had been determined he discovered that the understudies specifically gatherings would fit in with a gathering normal. As indicated by Jenness in a circumstance where the appropriate response was obscure they tuned in to their friends and would in his view acclimate. His examination was scrutinized by Sherif (1935) on the grounds that the investigation was not taken out in environmentally substantial conditions. The understudies were not in environmental factors that were recognizable to them consequently acting in an unexpected way. Pundits have contended that the understudies may have adjusted so as to make the outcomes simpler for the clinician. This exhibits educational social impact and is clarified in an exemplary report by Sheriff. Methodologically the principal serious issue experienced when testing congruity was the equivocalness of the circumstances the members were set in. This was featured by Mustafer Sherif (1935) when he utilized the auto-active impact to test congruity. The Auto-motor impact is a perceptual dream where members see light moving when in certainty it is fixed. Members were set in an obscured room in which they could see a light that was fixed. They were approached to record how far the light moved and on their own they chose singular gauges anyway when the members were assembled in a stay with different members they were urged to yell out their appraisals. Sherif found that they began with various answers however then totally came to concur on a similar answer. At that point after they split up the gathering into people again Sherif found that they furnished the response they had chosen with the gathering. In Sherifs examination into similarity (1935), the point was to check whether indivi duals fit in with a gathering standard. The aftereffects of the test demonstrated that singular reactions varied to those from the gathering reaction. The post-exploratory meetings said that the members denied being affected, they attempted to find the right solutions, and they never really felt piece of the gathering. The ends drawn from this said the members accommodated towards the gathering standard since they were unsure about their own individual reactions. Sherif then contended that his outcomes demonstrated similarity anyway there was an issue with the philosophy. This congruity inquire about was condemned to be counterfeit and lacking environmental legitimacy. Likewise, in light of the fact that the errand was believed to be uncertain and that there were no genuine answers, the members were bound to acclimate. As the appropriate response was exceptionally equivocal and there wasnt an undeniable answer it was contended that members are bound to adjust as they are never total ly sure of their answer. This philosophy hence influences Sherifs translation of similarity as it isn't entirely dependable Solomon Asch (1951) was the clinician that tested Sherifs methodological and in 1951 he made The Asch Paradigm where he tried congruity rates to exceptionally unambiguous circumstances. In his analysis there was one member and seven to nine different confederates who thought about the trial. The gathering was solicited to recognize lengths from vertical lines and coordinate a given vertical line to one of three in another showcase. Each confederate furnished their response and the member sat in the close to-last situate. On certain inquiries all the confederates would offer an inappropriate response and Asch watched the similarity pace of the member concurring with an inappropriate answer despite the fact that the appropriate response was self-evident. Asch found that 32% of the preliminaries, the innocent subject adjusted to answer given by the remainder of the gathering, and 72% of credulous subjects acclimated in any event once. 13 out of 50 credulous members never accommodated. A t the point when he met the gullible members a short time later, he found that congruity existed on three levels: bending of judgment, twisting of observation and contortion of activity. The individuals who experienced bending of judgment adjusted on the grounds that they confided in the gatherings judgment over their own. Those that accomplished contortion of activity realized that they were correct, however changed complied with keep away from scorn from the remainder of the gathering. At long last, the individuals who experienced mutilation of discernment really accepted that they considered the to be decision as coordinating the line on the card. The point of the test was still to check whether individuals would adjust towards the gathering standard. The outcomes demonstrated that the people complied with the gathering standard, regardless of whether the appropriate responses weren't right. The innocent member clarified their purposes behind adjusting to be on the grounds that t hey didnt need to ruin the analysis, look moronic, their eyes more likely than not been beguiling them, and in light of the fact that they felt that the gathering was most likely right. This investigation likewise disclosed to us that the impact from at least three numbskulls gave to a greater degree motivation to acclimate than if there was one chump. The ends for this examination were that the individuals accommodated for open consistence instead of open acknowledgment. Likewise it appeared as though individuals with low confidence were bound to adjust. The technique in this investigation was much increasingly exact then Sherifs try as the appropriate responses are extremely unambiguous and in the event that the members were all alone or first, at that point they would in all likelihood have offered the correct response. The outcomes from this test are along these lines can be a superior clarification of similarity than Sherif; anyway there are other methodological issues which ma ke this trial genuinely erroneous in the understanding of congruity. Anyway there are additionally moral issues about the trial. The fundamental reactions for this examination was that it was fake, tedious, time-dependant and deceptive. The investigation needs environmental legitimacy because of an absence of both exploratory and unremarkable authenticity. It needs test authenticity as certain members worked out what the analysis was or if nothing else thought the experimenter needed them to answer equivalent to the others and along these lines the similarity rates could be problematic. It additionally needs everyday authenticity as the circumstance doesn't mirror a genuine circumstance and hence individuals may act distinctively, in actuality, and perhaps the similarity rate would be lower. Crutchfield (1954) censured Asch that the kind of analysis attempted by Asch is very tedious, as just a single individual can be tried at once. Richard Crutchfield chose to change the trial strategy with the goal that few individuals, typically five, could be tried at the same time. A similar sort of issue as Asch utilized, was utilized. Every member sat in a stall with a variety of lights and switches before them. They were advised to offer their responses and each were informed that they were last to figure and the others surmises were demonstrated by the lights on the board. Anyway every member was really given a similar presentation, which on about a large portion of the preliminaries was really inaccurate. Crutchfield intended to see if individuals complied with unambiguous undertakings when the weight from others was more envisioned than genuine. Crutchfield found that 37% acclimated constantly however 46% a portion of the time. The outcomes discovered were extremely like Aschs yet had a lower congruity rate. This reasoned there is adjustment to envisioned weight. The investigation was censured to have explicit individuals utilized that were maybe all the more accommodating. Likewise it needed outer legitimacy. The time the analysis was done in (1950s) was commonly an all the more acclimating time, so that could have been one reason why the individuals adjusted more. This examination was additionally thought to be deceptive as the member were misled and could have been humiliated. Stanley Milgram (1963) led a trial on dutifulness that featured the convincing intensity of expert in social brain science just because. His analysis surpassed all desire and prompted more prominent familiarity with power and how much force it credited its culprit. Members were made to give expanding electric stuns to somebody (who was an on-screen character claiming to get the stuns through wires) when the individual offered an inappropriate response to an inquiry. A considerable lot of the members proceeded to the most elevated voltage (450V). There were numerous reasons why members complied, for example, the way that the examination was in an expert setting (Yale University). The experimenter was a power figure as was trusted; and the subjects were informed that anything that turned out badly would not be their duty. It was likewise in light of the fact that the members couldn't see the casualty which made it appear to be less genuine to them or it could have been on the grounds t hat the member had taken on a job so they felt that they were another person. Milgrams work has been scrutinized both on moral and methodological grounds. Baumrind (1964) accepted that Milgram indicated deficient regard for his members, there were inadequate advances taken to secure them, and his methodology could have l
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
Borrowing Part 1 An Introduction COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
Borrowing Part 1 An Introduction COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog The following post is part of a three part series written by a member of the admissions and financial aid staff, Colin Sullivan. _____________________ What is $20,000 to $70,000? a). The price range of a typical brand-new automobile (depending on how jewel-encrusted your steering wheel is) b). 5,000 to 17,000 rounds bought at happy hour (depending on how frustrating your finals were) c). the range of loan indebtedness a two-year, full-time SIPA student might have when graduating (depending on how much time and effort that student is willing to spend on seeking out scholarships, grants, and other loan alternatives) The answer d)., all of the above. Now, we won’t sell you a car, and we won’t buy you a drink, but we will administer your financial aid. And while Office of Admissions and Financial Aid cannot help you carry the load, we hope to help you lift with your legs and not your back, and avoid any hernias in the process. In his February 10th blog post, Matt touched upon the notion of education loans as “financial aidâ€. The whole idea of “aid†(which, for the sake of argument, I’ll define as “assistanceâ€) is not typically that of something that must be repaid (well, maybe karmically), but loans are one instrument that assist, or aid, students in achieving the goal of higher education (another being thousands of milligrams of caffeine). They’re also one of the first significant investments that many people will make, and can enable increased employability, a higher salary, contributing to retirement accounts, the purchase of property or stocks with that higher salary, etc. As with any investment, the prospective borrower must carefully weigh the risk versus reward of borrowing such large sums for a SIPA education, especially considering that many graduates will pursue careers in the non-profit and public service sectors (not historically known for their piles of money). Nearly 60% of our student community borrows in order to help fund their studies. Depending on your country of origin, you have different options: US citizens and permanent residents have the right to apply for financing through the Federal Direct Loan Program, while also seeking out private education loans to help cover the full cost of attendance. International students, however, may face more challenges; they do not qualify for financing through the US Department of Education, and must have a US citizen or permanent resident who is willing to cosign on any private student loans. The Office of Admissions and Financial Aid also maintains a comprehensive external fellowships and grants database, that we strongly suggest all of our US and international applicants and students review. It thoroughly details funding opportunities that may minimize your need for borrowing, a practice which can feel a bit overwhelming at times. Now, whether you’re motoring across a scorched stretch of desert on your new car’s first road trip, feeling your way home after a 4am Thursday night, or folding paper airplanes with your financial aid forms, it always helps to have a path winding in front of you. In the Financial Aid office, that path first diverges for domestic and international students. It two follow up entries I will detail the different loan options for US and international students, as your indoctrination into the world of graduate education borrowing. Because, while the cost of funding one’s education at SIPA may initially seem a daunting, the price you pay for not exploring every possible avenue to ensure an amazing SIPA education may end up being much greater.
Monday, June 22, 2020
Functional assessment of an elderly man at home - 2750 Words
Functional assessment of an elderly man at home (Essay Sample) Content: InterviewName of StudentName of Institution Functional assessment of an elderly man at homeIntroduction According to NHS (2011), elderly people who have attained the age of 65 years and above usually spend an average of 10 hours and above daily sitting or lying down, making them the most sedentary group of people. Due to this apparent inactivity among the elderly, they are more prone to accidental falls, obesity, cardiovascular accidents, heart conditions and sudden death than the general population. In this interview, data was gathered from an elderly man in his early 80s through use of a semi-structured interview schedule that consisted of open-ended questions touching on the instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) and activities of daily living (ADL). The interview schedule provided an opportunity for the interviewer and interviewee to tackle the questions in detail through appropriate probing. Before commencement of the interview, an informed consent was ob tained from the respondent where his anonymity and the confidentiality of the information sought from him were assured. The interviewee was asked to sign a consent form if he agreed to take part in the interview. The Rationale To ascertain that a person is able to independently live at home or community, the determination of the daily basic activities performed by the individual is necessary. These activities are referred to as Activities of Daily Living (ADLs). According to PayingForSeniorCare (2007), ADLs only serve as a yardstick of independence of individuals, whether or not they perform these basic activities on their own or get assistance. On the other hand, Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs) are the actions which are important but not a daily requirement for one to live independently. They usually used to determine what level of assistance is to be accorded to the elderly or disabled people in society. In the interview schedule, three (3) ADLs and Three (3) IADLs were included. The ADLs included: Bed mobility, Toileting, and Eating. The IADLs were: Responsibility for own medication, Housekeeping, and Ability to use telephone. These activities and actions were included in the interview because they will in the very least point to the functional ability of the respondent given his advanced age. ADLs and IADLs are carried out because Measuring an individuals ability to perform the ADLs and IADLs is important not just in determining the level of assistance required but as a metric for a variety of services and programs related to caring for the elderly and for those with disabilities (PayingForSeniorCare (2007, p. 1).Ethical considerations According to Fouka and Mantzorou (2011, p. 3), research ethics involve requirements on daily work, the protection of dignity of subjects and the publication of the information in the research. Research ethics are a set of principles that guide researchers and research organizations on how to conduct themsel ves when dealing with research participants, other researchers and colleagues, the users of their research and society in general.Among the ethical issues taken into consideration in research include:Informed consent Informed consent is a major ethical issue in carrying out research. According to Armiger (1997), the participant must knowingly, voluntarily and intelligently, and in a clear and manifest way, give his/her consent. Informed consent confers autonomy to the respondent hence they are protected through self-determination. Through informed consent, the participants integrity, personal liberties and veracity are protected from violation by researchers. Informed consent enables individuals participate in research voluntarily after they have been provided with information on the potential risks and benefits of the research. Free and informed consent should incorporate an introduction to the study, its purpose, an explanation of the selection of the subjects and the procedures that shall be followed. It is essential to describe any physical harm or discomfort, any invasion of privacy and any threat to dignity as well as how the subjects will be compensated in that case.Beneficence- do not harm This principle ensures that researchers exercise a professional mandate to carry out significant and effective research so as to serve and promote the welfare of the population. A researcher must consider all possible consequences of the research and balance the risks with proportionate benefit. The type, degree, and number of potential risks must be assessed and the risk benefit ratio can only be achieved by identifying these factors. If the risks outweigh the benefits, the study should be revised. It is important that debriefing of the participants is done at the end of the study. Debriefing refers to explaining the exact aim of the study and why certain disclosures were not done. According to Burns and Grove (2005) if the subjects experienced a high level of disc omfort, they should be debriefed or referred to appropriate professional intervention as necessary.Respect of anonymity and confidentiality Confidentiality and anonymity are closely linked with the rights of beneficence. The protection of anonymity is achieved when the researcher does not link a participants personal responses and his/her identity. The management of private information of the respondents must be ensured by the researcher in order to protect the participants identity. Confidentiality means that individuals can give and/or withhold as much information as they wish to the person they choose.Respect of privacy Privacy is the freedom exercised by an individual in determining the time, extent, and general circumstances under which private information will be shared with or withheld from others. Therefore, private information shall not be shared with others without the knowledge of the participant. According to Treece and Treece (1982), a researcher must respect a decision by a respondent who considers reporting personal information a violation of privacy. Fauka and Mantzorou (2011, p. 7) state that this may even apply to report of age, income, marital status, and other details that the subject may regard intimate. They also imply that privacy can be invaded when researchers study certain groups without their knowledge and without identifying themselves.Concerns of vulnerable group of people Vulnerable group of people are the individuals who are unable to protect their own rights and welfare. Opinion is still divided as to whether they should be included in research studies or not due to their inability to give informed consent. They include prisoners, mentally ill people, the aged and children among others. They need further protection for they are vulnerable to being deceived, threatened or forced to participate in research studies they have no idea about. According to Burns and Grove (2005), the vulnerability of these individuals increases the nee d for justification for the use of such subjects in research studies.Honesty, objectivity, integrity, legality and competence It is important to maintain honesty in research undertakings. Honestly report data, results, methods and procedures, and publication status. Avoid any fabrication, falsification, or misrepresentation of data. Do not deceive colleagues, granting agencies, or the public. To maintain objectivity, the researcher must avoid bias in study designs, data analysis, data interpretation, peer review, personnel decisions, grant writing, expert testimony, and other aspects of research where objectivity is expected or required. Avoid or minimize bias or self-deception. Disclose personal or financial interests that may affect research.Integrity should be ensured through keeping of promises and agreements. The researcher must act with sincerity, and maintain consistency of thought and action. Every researcher must ensure and improve his/her own professional competence and ex pertise through lifelong education and learning and steps must be taken towards the promotion of competence in science as a whole.Research studies are guided by the relevant rules and regulations that must be adhered to at all times, whether institutional or governmental.Research ethics play important roles in research studies as they;Bring about respect for and cause no harm to the participantsThey are a professional requirement in research studiesThey are a requirement in obtaining funding for research undertakingThey ensure that research studies are conducted within the ethical guidelines provided by the Ethics CommitteeEnsures that the research findings are acceptable to the research community and the publicInterviewee current IADL/ADL practices According to Quinn et al. (2011), elderly individuals usually present with acute and chronic problems that adversely affect function, often defined by functional decline and loss of independence. This might eventually lead to institution al care for such individuals. The decreased function may be a pointer to occult pathologies which lead to increased mortalities (Schumacher, 2005). From the interview, it was found out that the respondent had limited capacity in carrying out daily activities. For instance, in determining the ADLs, in bed mobility, he needed other than two persons physical assist, had a limited physical assistance in toileting and limited assistance when eating. His...
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Tesla Case Analysis Tesla - 1382 Words
TESLA CASE STUDY INTRODUCTION Founded in 2003, Tesla is an electric car manufacture company that started in California, they are considered leader in its category. Tesla electric cars not only outsold Nissan Leaf and GM electric cars in US. Their latest Model S had also outsold BMW 7, Audi 8. Tesla is also targeting SUV consumers with their Model X. They are considering disruptors in the electric car market. With their advance innovation and stylish design, many consumers are willing to pay high price for Tesla performance car. Tesla has place themselves as a luxury brand with many consumers waiting for their new released backed order products. TESLA A TRUE DISRRUPTOR Electric car has been innovative to fight pollution problems in†¦show more content†¦We can see that Tesla expanded their product line to target multiple consumers in different price range. The company started with high-end luxury sports car targeting early adaptors. On the second stage, Tesla has introduced Model S sedans that help them pass from difficult line from early adaptors to early majority. Moving forward, Tesla is introducing new Electric Vehicles (EV) cross over and many more affordable EV to target a larger majority. This strategy is helping Tesla move from one stage to the next one. The company is planning to release Model X in summer of 2015 and there are possibilities to introduce more affordable EV in the range of $30,000 dollars to compete with BMW 3 series in the fall of 2015. TESLA PSYCHOGRAPHIC MARKETING Tesla has successfully combined demographics and psychographics to market their products. Tesla Electric Vehicle (EV) has addressed current consumers needs and solve our pollution problems. Some of the psychographic information that can relate to the current consumers can be the following: †¢ People are concerned with car pollution and environmental issues †¢ EV have access to free HOV lanes, so users can save commute time †¢ Tesla brand provide consumers feeling of style and technology †¢ Model S marketing focus on speed, comfort and handling †¢ Tesla EV Focus on potential cost saving on gas, reduce cost on service and repair. With theShow MoreRelatedCase Analysis : Tesla Motors Inc.1448 Words  | 6 PagesTesla Motors Inc. has a competitive advantage in the market for many reasons of which you are responsible for. However, I believe Tesla is exposed to two major risks that have not been adequately addressed by the firm. The first is related to the capital structure, specifically the debt and equity financing agreements. If you recall the 2014 Q3 Earnings Call, you mentioned that small miscalculations of financial estimates could have enormous effects on the actual results for companies in the exponentialRead MoreCase Analysis : Tesla Motors1619 Words  | 7 Pagesny History (1)Tesla Motors was originally founded in 2003 by CEO Martin Eberhard and CFO Marc Tarpenning . According to Tesla. com, the company was named after the Serbian engineer Nikola Tesla who invented the induction motor and alternating-current (AC) power transmission in 1888. Eberhard and Tarpenning decided to design their first electric sports car using the design of Nikola Tesla’s patented AC induction motor. By early 2004, Eberhard and Tarpenning were quickly joined by several otherRead MoreCase Analysis : Tesla s Marketing Goals Essay1559 Words  | 7 PagesSituation Analysis: Tesla, an innovative company initialising the movement toward self-driving cars, has recently been issued negative publicity as the safety of these cars is questioned (Levin Woolf, 2016). The company’s primary marketing goals are to increase demand for the Model S Car, encourage brand loyalty and awareness and to empower customer contribution to product development (Mangram, 2012). Tesla, being the first entrant into the niche market of electric, self-driving cars has presentedRead MorePorter’S Model:. Tesla Motors To Maintain Its Profitability1217 Words  | 5 PagesPorter’s model: Tesla Motors to maintain its profitability through strategic measures to solve the problems of automotive business analysis outlined in the five armies. Michael Porter s five-power analysis model is designed as an instrument to understand the impact of external factors on the conditions of doing business and the environment of their industry. Analysis of Tesla s five armies of external factors in the automotive industry, and how these factors affect the company. As one of the largestRead MoreCompany Profile Of Tesla Motors1364 Words  | 6 Pages History of Operation Tesla Motors was incorporated in 2003. in 2016, it began production of the Roadster in 2009, Model S unveiled. in 2010, TSLA IPO launched; Announced partnership to develop powertrain system with Toyota RAV4. in 2012, it Started building Supercharger Network across America and Unveiled designs and plans for Model X. in 2013, Tesla got Extreme Tech â€Å"Best Selling Luxury Car. IN 2014, Gigafactory announcement 200th Tesla Charging Station opened, and Musk announces anyone canRead MoreTesla Ford s Influence On American Innovation Essay1567 Words  | 7 Pages Tesla Automakers: Niccolai’s Influence On American Innovation Sir C. Powers UCLA Extension Abstract Tesla Motors was established in 2003 by entrepreneurs Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning. Today, Tesla Motors provides power train components for car producers, including Daimler and Toyota, designs and manufactures Model S, the first world ‘s premium zero-emission sedan that became the third best-selling all-electric car in the U.S. The company is worth more than $25Read MoreTesla s Model Of A Luxury Sedan1580 Words  | 7 PagesIdentification Tesla has a few elements to their strategy, one being they keep their product line simple. Elon Musk was highly involved with the production of the Tesla Roadster and as of December 2012 the production of this model has been ended due to the introduction of the Model S, a luxury sedan. Another key element of Tesla Motor’s Strategy is the technology and product development that they put into designing their products. According to the text, since Tesla has been founded, over $900 millionRead MoreTesla Motors Case Study. As Pressure Increases The Need1740 Words  | 7 PagesTesla Motors Case Study As pressure increases the need to develop alternative forms of powering the worlds petroleum powered vehicles a new company is attempting to disrupt to auto industry with a business model that challenges the status quo and force entrenched incumbents to alter their current vision for the future of the automobile market. Tesla was created to directly address the challenge of creating a viable alternative to the internal combustion engine. Tesla is the first company that commerciallyRead MoreTesla Motors External Analyis961 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿ SWOT ANALYSIS OF TESLA MOTORS SWOT analysis is an integral tool which helps management to identify the internal strength and weakness of an organization and make strategies accordingly to grab external future opportunities and fight against external threats (Kerin ,Hartley and Rudelius ,2012). The report here focuses on the external factors of a SWOT analysis of Tesla Motors (i.e. on Opportunities and Threats). Opportunities The future external opportunities available to Tesla Motors are discussedRead MoreCase Study of Tesla Motors Inc. Essay examples1192 Words  | 5 PagesTesla Motors Inc. is an American public company which is known worldwide because of its experience in designing, manufacturing and also the selling of electric cars and electric components for vehicles. The motor was started back in the year 2003 in San Carlos, California in the United States (, 2014). The company had its headquarters in Palo Alto and at the time of its inception, Elon Musk was its chief executive officer (CEO) (Hunger, 2010). Environmental concerns have been raised
Monday, May 18, 2020
How to Make a Histogram in 7 Simple Steps
A histogram is a type of graph that is used in statistics. This kind of graph uses vertical bars to display quantitative data. The heights of the bars indicate the frequencies or relative frequencies of values in our data set. Although any basic software can construct a histogram, it is important to know what your computer is doing behind the scenes when it produces a histogram. The following walks through the steps that are used to construct a histogram. With these steps, we could construct a histogram by hand. Classes or Bins Before we draw our histogram, there are some preliminaries that we must do. The initial step involves some basic summary statistics from our data set. First, we find the highest and lowest data value in the set of data. From these numbers, the range can be computed by subtracting the minimum value from the maximum value. We next use the range to determine the width of our classes. There is no set rule, but as a rough guide, the range should be divided by five for small sets of data and 20 for larger sets. These numbers will give a class width or bin width. We may need to round this number and/or use some common sense. Once the class width is determined, we choose a class that will include the minimum data value. We then use our class width to produce subsequent classes, stopping when we have produced a class that includes the maximum data value. Frequency Tables Now that we have determined our classes, the next step is to make a table of frequencies. Begin with a column that lists the classes in increasing order. The next column should have a tally for each of the classes. The third column is for the count or frequency of data in each class. The final column is for the relative frequency of each class. This indicates what proportion of the data is in that particular class. Drawing the Histogram Now that we have organized our data by classes, we are ready to draw our histogram. Draw a horizontal line. This will be where we denote our classes.Place evenly spaced marks along this line that correspond to the classes.Label the marks so that the scale is clear and give a name to the horizontal axis.Draw a vertical line just to the left of the lowest class.Choose a scale for the vertical axis that will accommodate the class with the highest frequency.Label the marks so that the scale is clear and give a name to the vertical axis.Construct bars for each class. The height of each bar should correspond to the frequency of the class at the base of the bar. We can also use relative frequencies for the heights of our bars.
Monday, May 11, 2020
Effects of Postpartum Depression on Child Bearing and...
Effects of Postpartum Depression on Child Bearing and Rearing Family Postpartum depression (PPD) is a major event occurring in eight to fifteen percent of the woman population after delivering their child (Glavin, Smith, Sà ¸rum Ellefsen, 2010). The symptoms and causes of PPD are similar to depression symptoms in other periods of life (Glavin et al., 2010). These symptoms may include feelings of helplessness and hopelessness, loss of interest in daily activities, sleep changes, anger or irritability, loss of energy, self-loathing, reckless behavior and concentration problems. These symptoms may lead to other factors that are detrimental to the child bearing and rearing family. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the effects of PPD†¦show more content†¦In a study made by Gao et al. (2007), they found out that children of depressed mothers are three more times likely to develop behavioural problems. Second, children-parent attachment is very important to children development. According to Barnes (2006), â€Å"studies show a link between maternal depression and a new mother’s state of mind with respect to attachment†. Poor maternal-infant attachment is directly related to poor child development. Maternal-infant attachment enhances infant outcome (Barnes, 2006). Breastfeeding is one aspect of maternal-infant attachment that directly compliments children development. Infants that are not breast fed will not benefit from the more nutritious and anti-bodies rich breast milk. In retrospect, this may still be discussed under child development. However, poor maternal-infant attachment posed other health issues worth discussing separately. Being a mother is often very overwhelming to many women. Negligent parenting may result if there is no attachment between the parent and infant. Negligence poses increase health risk for the child as mentioned in the first paragraph. In addition, depressed women may respond to their infants with increased withdrawal and hostility making the child at risk for child abuse (Barnes, 2006). Consequently, child abuse may cause trauma that may affect the child’s lifelong psychological and cognitive health. Poor maternal-infant
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Process Of Globalization - 1164 Words
Globalization is one of the biggest keys as to why the world is how the world is today. Many people do not realize how much of an impact globalization has upon their daily lives. The everyday essentials would not be possible without globalization. For example, people would not have any iPhones or any touch screen materials since those elements and minerals come from all around the world. The process of globalization has a rich history and a bright future; however, some minor setbacks are unavoidable. The sentence â€Å"Globalization is about growing worldwide interconnectivity.†(Steger, 2017, pg. 17) puts the idea of globalization in a simple, easy-to-understand way for everyone to understand, even though the concept has additional context†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Acupuncture is a version of holistic healing that feeds off the imbalances of energy within a person’s body and restores those same imbalances back to normal. The pathways the energy flows inside the body are known as meridians and the points where acupuncturists place the needles are the areas that need unblocked to increase the flow of energy to that certain path on that meridian,†explains Dr. Wallpe. (Dr. B. Wallpe, phone interview, September 9, 2017) With the past of acupuncture being so ancient, it is simply amazing that the practice is still relevant. Acupuncture care is becoming more and more popular, especially in the United States. â€Å"Today, acupuncture care is a healing art that every developed nation utilizes in some way, shape, or form.†(Dr. B. Wallpe, phone interview, September 9, 2017) The globalization of acupuncture is unreal. It is amazing how the practice spread from its humble beginnings in China to the hustle and bustle of practically the entire world. â€Å"The practice of acupuncture is sought to venture to America during the Nixon Administration due to the president’s experience in Asia. He was feeling ill and nothing was maki ng him feel better, and then he tried acupuncture and that healed him right away. That new experience made him bring the practice back to America.†(Dr. B. Wallpe, phone interview, September 9, 2017) Henceforth, acupuncture seems to be a great innovation to come from globalization, unlike other negative outcomesShow MoreRelatedGlobalization Is An Ongoing Process, And The Process Of Globalization1666 Words  | 7 Pagesprotective barriers against trade, technology and investment among countries. According to E.Paradee, globalisation is an ongoing process, and the process of globalisation, has been taking place for sometime in the field of financial markets, trading etc.(S. E. Paradee, 1988). According to Malcom. S.Adiseshiah, globalisation generally means that both the production process and institutions associated with production of a given commodity as well as its sales and distributions are no longer limited toRead MoreGlobalization as a Process1744 Words  | 7 Pages into contact with globalization. We are all active members of this web, and we are the fuel it needs to work to perfection. This web needs employers and employees, it needs people in need and people willing to help, and it needs members of different cultures and societies. It needs you. Whether it was by flying on an airplane, traveling to a foreign country, or simply by buying medicine, you are contributing to the unstoppable giant known as globalization. To understand globalization it is necessaryRead MoreThe Globalization Process2335 Words  | 9 Pagesa company need the best reliable people to be able to make it a successful assignment, looking at factors such as experience, job skills and cultural awareness. An important part of the process is overlooked regularly, namely the importance and well-being of the expat’s family. Nowadays, the globalization process helps countries other than the United States to send expatriates abroad (Braseby, 2010). Therefore the expat population grows and according to historical failure rates the rate remains aroundRead MoreGlobalization Is Not An Irreversible Process1502 Words  | 7 Pages Globalization has become a clichà © in everyday habit, the idea is not new. The initial trend of globalization took place between 1870 and 1914. This was triggered by a combination of falling costs in transportation and a reduction in trade barriers, which opened up the possibility for a productive use of land .This wave of globalization ground to a halt in 1914. Despite unprecedented growth in the economy and the reduction in poverty, the impact of globalization on inequality withinRead MoreGlobalization Is A Multidimensional Process1426 Words  | 6 PagesGlobalisation â€Å"Globalization is a multidimensional process. Although it is often understood primarily in economic terms, linked to the establishment of an interlocking global economy, its social and cultural implications are no less important.†(Andrew Haywood, 2011). Many argue that globalisation in itself has a number of positive and negative points. It is said that recently Globalisation has led to rise of â€Å"deterritorialisation†(Scholte, 2005). Theory emphasises that social processes may noRead MoreMedias Role in the Globalization Process645 Words  | 3 PagesEssay: The role of media in globalization process If we talk about the role of media in globalization process we should firstly say that what the media is. The media is media technologies that are intended to reach a large audience by mass communication. Today the media play a key role in enhancing globalization. And the media also play important role in facilitating culture exchange flows of information between countries. The media spreads through international news broadcasts, new technologiesRead MoreGlobalization Is The Process Of International Integration1244 Words  | 5 PagesGlobalization is the process of international integration arising from the interchange of world views, products, ideas, and other aspects of culture. It approaches in transportation, telecommunication-internet, mobile phones which have been the key factor in globalization, producing further interconnection of economic and cultural activities. Economic globalization is the increasing economic interdependence of national economies across the world throu gh a rapid increase in cross-border movement ofRead MoreUkraines Role in the Process of Globalization908 Words  | 4 PagesUkraine’s role in the process of globalization Globalization is a relatively recent phenomenon that has an enormous influence on the future of our planet. It elicits contradictory reactions from economists, politicians, scientists and ordinary people. In addition to its benefits, globalization has dangers and risks. It is responsible for environmental problems, the population explosion, extreme poverty, mass unemployment, etc. But what does globalization mean for different countries? MostRead MoreImpact Of Globalization On The Recruitment Process1827 Words  | 8 PagesTHE GLOBALIZATION IN THE RECRUITMENT PROCESS July 15th, 2015 ENG - 502 Professor: Veronica Cruz Monge Impact of the globalization in the recruiting process. Globalization has significance in the human resources process at business and organizations of any type. The complexities of globalization in the past decade have provoked in the Human Resources area to look and define new strategies for the multi-cultural competencies that can challenges them. Globalization is transforming the process andRead MoreGlobalization Is The Process Of International Integration938 Words  | 4 Pagesstrongly suggest that we belong in this league. I would like to commend the way we are handling the elements of marketing - global, technological, sociocultural, competitive, and economic influences (Nickels, McHugh, McHugh, 2014). Globalization is the process of international integration arising from the interchange of products, worldviews, ideas and other aspects of culture. The elimination of global barriers – geography and distance – has generated the interdependence of nations both in economic
The controversy and the future of Common Agricultural Policy of European Union Free Essays
Agriculture is a problematic area in every developed country. Free market economy that allows direct competition of agricultural products can often cause a surplus or shortage of certain products, and quality changes. In order to ensure reliable supply of food member states of the European Union decided to cooperate and transferred the authority over agriculture policy to European level. We will write a custom essay sample on The controversy and the future of Common Agricultural Policy of European Union or any similar topic only for you Order Now Common Agricultural Policy was set in 1961 and its aims were to improve production and solve existing problems in agriculture all over EU member states. The previous successes of cooperation with coal and steel, and the fact that most states had difficulties to produce certain goods logically led to deeper cooperation in agriculture, and to CAP. Today, â€Å"CAP is regarded as the most developed of the European Union’s policies and covers almost 90% of all agricultural products†(reader). But, also it is regarded as the most controversial and has been responsible for some negative consequences on the industry, and it had to go under many reforms. This essay will explain why CAP has been both celebrated and criticized. Also, it will include the challenges that will be put in front of it by the future enlargement of European Union. At the time CAP was made, national agricultures had all common problems. Although the different level of development, and different level on dependence on this industry between member states of EC, there were some immense troubles to be solved by Cap: deficits of certain goods, inefficient production practices, poorness of people employed in agriculture, rapidly dynamic prices, substantial variations in quality of products etc. The goals of policy defined in Maastricht Treaty, article 39: â€Å"(a) to increase agricultural productivity by promoting technical progress and by ensuring the rational development of agricultural production and the optimum utilization of the factors of production, in particular labor; (b) thus to ensure a fair standard of living for the agricultural community, in particular by increasing the individual earnings of persons engaged in agriculture; (c) to stabilize markets; (d) to assure the availability of supplies; (e) to ensure that supplies reach the consumers at reasonable prices.†(TEU) Since its foundation CAP has improved the agriculture of Europe in a great sense, but critics would say that costs of the successes are considerably high for all. Some of the goals were fulfilled with little negative consequences, while others were solved with controversial methods that became a huge burden for the budget and had many counter-effects. The changes in Europe’s agricultural structure and productivity since 1961 caused by CAP were enormous. Thanks to the investment in technology, there was a growth in productivity of farms, decrease in people employed in agriculture, rapid urbanization and therefore prosperity in other sectors of economy. Statistics show that â€Å"the workforce employed in agriculture declined from 11.3% in 1973 to 9.4% in 1980 and only 5.7% in the whole of the EU in 1992.†(Hitiris, 190) Productivity growth was rapid, and we can say that the aim of CAP to restructure the farming to make it more efficient is being fulfilled. The growth of the efficiency of the labor can be noticed on the fact that: †In 1960 over 15 million people in the original six had worked on the land. In the mid-1970s the agricultural population of the enlarged EC was only 14 million, falling to 10 million by the mid-1980s†(Urwin, 187) Second goal of CAP is a social mission: to help the quality of life of the people in agriculture. This went little against the economic productivity and caused many negative consequences on it, especially by huge costs. The interventions that were made were not only subsidizing the farmers, that is a huge burden for EU budget but artificial manipulations with prices and setting of standards. These two were criticized by many liberal economists as standardization brought prices up, and artificial price setting caused surpluses and deficits. How to cite The controversy and the future of Common Agricultural Policy of European Union, Papers
Mark Slouka free essay sample
A strong and trustful father-son relationship, I suppose, is any fathers greatest wish. But how do you get such a close relationship that binds the father and son faithfully together? With such a close relationship to each other, you will, when you turn into a grown-up man, really appreciate the family bond, and might have the desire to pass it on, to your own son. That is one of the main themes in Mark Sloukas short story Crossing, where you gain an insight into a father in constant search of the role as a brave and courageous father. The father in Crossing takes his son on an extremely challenging trip that includes fording an enormously strong river. The father and son face such dangerous experiences that we are not sure whether the fathers wish for his son to become more grown-up comes true or not. The short story is written in a 3. We will write a custom essay sample on Mark Slouka or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Person narrator. We are giving an insight of the thoughts of an unhappy father due to the line: ( ) and he hadnt been happy for a while. l During the short story we are only introduced to the thoughts and ideas of the father, which narrows our knowledge down to only hearing the story from one spect, the fathers. On the one hand it makes the story much more simpler, with only one point of view, but on the other hand it differentiates the fathers feelings and thoughts, thus we get really close to the father by seeing everything through his eyes. According to the father these dangerous adventures will make the son and him friends: He and his son would be friends. Nothing mattered more. 2 In this sentence the narrator makes it clear to us that the father desperately wants for the son and him to be friends more than anything else. But because of the absence of he boys thoughts, we do not know if the boy feels the same way. The only thing we know about the boy is that he is a small boy: He looked over the miniature Jeans ( ) the hiking boots dangling off the floor. 3 Due to this sentence and others as well, we get the impression that the he is a really small kid. The sentence: Dad, you okay? 4, could indicate that the kid is not very fond of the challenges they meet on their way. There is a sense of doubt and insecurity in his voice. The wilderness, the little boy is being dragged into, is something the father himself has experienced with his own dad. During the trip the father remembers things he, as a boy questioned his father: So what do you do if you fall? It shows us that the experience the father had as a child with his own father had made a big impression on him, and he wants to carry it on to his own son. But the father has underestimated the power of the river, which detracts from the value of the trip. The father is in the river with his son on his back, without hesitating whether to continue or not. The responsibility is on him for the first time in a very long time. You could be tempted to believe that the father is divorced from the boys other (p. line 15), and therefore has been in a lot of sorrow and pain lately. That could also explain why ne thinks that the trip is such a g idea. He wants to gain respect from his son, and he sees a real manhood trip as the way forward. A real manhood trip is a common thing amongst boys and men. It is a way of turning from a little boy into a real mature man, and every father want s his son to become a real man Just like himself. That is probably another purpose of the trip, but does this exactly trip succeed in turning the boy into a much more mature kid? You can interpret the river as a symbol of the state of confusion and perplexity the father is in. The extremely strong and mid-thigh current, the savage and the brute strength his is surrounded by are comparable to his own life situation by that time. He is no longer together with his wife/girlfriend: For a long time he hadnt wanted her back. 5 Such a situation brings along loneliness and a feeling of guilt towards his son. The father is in serious danger, and he is collapsing, Just like everything around is falling apart too. He is balancing on the line between life and death in the river nd in his current life situation. To sum up the father is in a critical situation and therefore very fragile. In deep frustration he takes his son on a trip into the wild. A trip that is way too dangerous for both him and the son. His intention of letting the boy experience something extreme and wild went too far. However the ending is really open, and lets us as readers decide whether they went down or not. Im not sure if I think they made it or not, but I definitely think that the father was not able to Judge if the boy was old enough for all those challenges. The kid was without any doubt way too young to experience this, and I do not think it made him any more mature. I on the other hand think it probably would be quite the opposite. In conclusion you can tell that the divorced-father is desperate to get closer to his son and turn him into a mature young man. In his perplexity he forgets that his son is Just a little boy. There are tons of other ways of strengthening the father-son relationship, but this man Just chose the wrong decision. We are all human and mistakes do occur, but this decision was probably an unfortunate and unwise choice to make.
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Is China Unstable Essays - Social Justice, Unemployment, China
Is China Unstable Is China Unstable? Foreign Policy Research Institute Wire, July 1999 By Minxin Pei Western attitudes toward China tend to oscillate between two extremes, often with confusing rapidity. Not too long ago China was widely portrayed as an emerging military and economic threat to the West. Its total economic output was projected to surpass that of the United States in two decades. Its military modernization was expected to provide China the capability to project its power far beyond its borders (and the recent Cox report on nuclear espionage has revived those concerns). And its authoritarian regime was supposed to be able to retain its grip on power for a long time. Nowadays, however, the speculation about China's future has generally inclined toward pessimism. The influential British magazine The Economist openly speculated about the break-up of China in its last issue of 1998. Not long before that, the same publication ran a cover editorial opining about the imminent collapse of the Chinese economy. And in a speech delivered in April of this year, President Bill Clinton warned of the dangers of an unstable China which failed to reform. Even within China, signs of danger and nervousness abound. Arguably, the Chinese government now faces the most severe challenge since the Tiananmen Square demonstrations a decade ago. Unemployment is rising at a frightening rate. Several key anniversary dates fraught with symbolic and real political dangers (such as the 50th anniversary of the People's Republic, the 10th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square crackdown, and the 40th anniversary of the uprising in Tibet) have prompted the government to maintain a tight watch over the country's tiny dissident community lest something akin to the 1989 movement break out again. In my judgment, the current pessimism about China's short- term prospects is as exaggerated as the previous optimism about its long-term economic outlook. In fact, China is likely to retain its short-term political stability despite many signs of potential turmoil, but will face rising instability if the regime fails to undertake significant political reform in the next decade. CHINA'S CURRENT DIFFICULTIES While parallels between the problems China faces today and those it confronted during the Tiananmen crisis a decade ago may be alluring, they are misleading. In 1989, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) faced a genuine crisis of political legitimacy, which had its origins in 1978-79, when the leaders promised, but repeatedly failed to deliver, political reform. By contrast, the challenges confronting the Chinese government today are primarily economic, although weaknesses in the political system make potential solutions more elusive. Specifically, China's economic difficulties today originate, externally, from the aftermath of the East Asian financial crisis (falling exports and foreign direct investment) and, internally, from weak consumer demand and severe structural problems. The internal problems are far more daunting than the external. It is well known that China's two most perilous economic challenges are an insolvent banking system (which has total bad loans of between 25 and 30 percent of gross domestic product) and rising unemployment due to the restructuring and privatization of the loss-making state-owned enterprises (SOEs). Many analysts believe that the latter poses the clearest threat to the Chinese government, because any unrest by the unemployed, who are concentrated in urban areas, would lead to a political crisis akin to the Solidarity movement in Poland in 1981-82. Given the sheer numbers of unemployed and underemployed people in China, this analysis is not without merit. The official China Daily reports that, among urban dwellers, unemployment is about 11 percent (or 16 million people). In addition, as many as 120 million rural laborers are considered underemployed. However, unemployment alone is unlikely to generate a high level of political instability and is even less likely to bring down the regime. (Can you recall the last time a regime was toppled by unemployment?) In analyzing the political consequences and implications of economic crises, we must understand that not all economic crises are created equal. Although all of them are nasty and harmful to the societies they hit, they produce different political outcomes because their effects are filtered through the political system differently. In the case of high unemployment, its impact on political instability tends to be limited for two reasons. First, unemployment principally affects only one segment of society, namely, manufacturing workers. It would be difficult for these workers to find political allies in other sectors. In China, workers being laid off from SOEs are viewed as industrial aristocrats who have had it pretty good for the last fifty years at the expense of the other
Saturday, March 21, 2020
IRONY the Challenge of Acting Oscar Wilde And George Bernard Shaw essays
IRONY the Challenge of Acting Oscar Wilde And George Bernard Shaw essays the Challenge of Acting Oscar Wilde And George Bernard Shaw Irony is another staple tool of wit in Style acting, and it often seems to come effortlessly to British actors because the British rarely say what they mean. "The speech we hear is an indication of what we don't hear... One way of looking at speech is to say it is a constant stratagem to cover nakedness," says British playwright Harold Pinter. But I notice that some American actors (other than native New Yorkers) are made uneasy by the notion that what they are saying is a decoy from the true intention, that the language distracts from what the character is actually thinking They worry that the underlying meaning is not obvious enough and in their attempts to communicate it they destroy all irony because if it isn't delicate, it's not irony. It's nudge,nudge or worse. Meaning one thing while saying something else is like singing a harmony with yourself, and the dominant tune is the spoken words. If they are convincing in their own right, and the audience realizes the unspoken irony a second later, it's funny. The character need not necessarily grasp the irony: awareness is not always part of the equation. Another form of irony springs from the contradiction between words and actions. When this is deliberate it can be crude, such as "how very amusing" said with a straight face. Action should not reinforce an irony or it will overload it. For example, "I like you already more than I can say" should not be accompanied by a hostile stare. In fact, the action that accompanies irony should be ambiguously appropriate. In other words, it should be capable of being interpreted as the truth by the recipient, and recognizable cover up by the audience. It's a fine line to tread. Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest is a minefield of irony, and you will fall all too easily into leaden unfunniness if the you don't have a light touch.The structure of Oscar Wilde's di ...
Thursday, March 5, 2020
When Family Isnt Supportive
When Family Isnt Supportive I received a heart-breaking Facebook message from a 15-year-old young man who asked me how to get his writing accepted. When I explained about polishing his words, agents, publishers, indie and the like, he replied: For me, I come from an unsupportive family that doesnt take writing as a talent or a valuable art. How can I practice in such conditions? My husband supports me unconditionally, often following me to my appearances. One son out of town reads my work and gives honest feedback. My sister-in-law in Iowa reads every book within days of release. Other than that, nobody else in my family has read my novels much, and definitely havent read any articles, blogs or other items Ive published. While I thank my lucky stars for the three people I have, I know how that stings when family doesnt care. I told the young man this: At your age, its a matter of being well-read first and foremost, then attempting to write stories from what youve absorbed via those good authors. They are your family right now. You are young. You will be an adult in good time and be able to do what you wish, when you like, but in the meantime, read with a writers eye, seeing what makes for a grand story, great character, and snappy dialogue. Write as you can. And know that successful authors everywhere are in your corner. When family doesnt believe in your writing, you do the following: 1) Join a writers group. Use it like a support group. 2) Read with a writers eye. Nobody puts down reading. 3) Write when you can: lunches, night, early mornings, outside, riding in the car, or while everyone else is watching TV. 4) Relate your interest in writing to your family members interest in something else. I once used my teenagers interest in playing hockey. Ask them how much time and money they invest in their sports, hunting, cars, video games, etc. 5) Carve out time and call it yours. It doesnt have to be called writing time, but you use it as such. Just make sure you capitalize on it and write instead of doing other non-productive things. 6) Refuse to feel guilty about a beloved hob 7) Display how much writing makes you whole . . . and happier. If you act grumpy, you accentuate their opinion. 8) Ask them when theyll give up reading, watching television, going to movies, listening to music, playing online games, because a writer allowed all of those entertainment opportunities to happen. 9) When someone asks when youll do something other than that writing stuff, tell them you adore what you do. Eighty percent of the world hates their job, and you arent one of them.
Monday, February 17, 2020
Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 132
Summary - Essay Example The study is conducted in a single Congress; it is the reason why Clinton does not apply it to all states. The results may differ depending on the party of the representative and geographic factor. In the opposition of party constituency and geographic constituency, conservative wings tend to care more about party constituency while progressive forces pay more attention to local preferences. Rivalry between Republicans and Democrats results in the fact that policies of the House become more radical than people want them to be. Voters who belong to different parties are expected to have opposite points of view on the same issue. It results in radical solutions offered by both of them. Even though it seems that such radicalism negatively influences representative function of the House, all policies need to be approved by the Senate and the President. This approach mediates differences in party-correlated behavior. The limitations of this study give a clue for further research where the true causes of differences of party correlated behavior are identified and studies. The study by Butler and Nickerson examines how legislators tend to react when they are informed about public opinion. Since their main function is to represent people, they need to act in line with what people expect from them. At the same time, many legislators remain uninformed and their decisions do not represent the interests of their voters. Butler and Nickerson conducted a survey of New Mexicans regarding 2008 summer session and shared their findings with a randomly-selected half of legislators. Those legislators who were informed about the results of the survey, were more likely to vote in support of public opinion. At the same time, legislators who were in the control group were less likely to guess what people expected from them. This study supports the idea that legislators want to act in line with public opinion; however, the authors warn that the information about public
Monday, February 3, 2020
The motivation theories and staff retention at web design companies Essay
The motivation theories and staff retention at web design companies (digital communication agencies) in UK, Spain and Italy - Essay Example Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs suggests that the basic physiological needs have to be met first before a person can look ahead. Only when the basic needs are satisfied he clamors for safety needs, need for love, self-esteem or self-actualization. As one need is somewhat fulfilled, the other needs become important and this motivates or influences his behavior (Accel-Team, 2006). This corroborates with Herzberg who proposed that an employee’s motivation is understood when his attitude is understood (Tietjen & Myers, 1998). Herzberg determined that happy feelings or a positive attitude was always task-related while the bad attitude or unpleasant feelings depend upon the surroundings. These are the motivators and include recognition, achievement, career advancement and the work itself. These motivators cause positive job attitudes because they satisfy the need for self-actualization, which is the last in the hierarchy of needs of Maslow. Motivation differs significantly from satisfaction. Motivation to work can come from external factors or from within. Organizational commitment itself is a motivating factor and no satisfaction with job is a demotivating factor. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs basically speculates that people’s needs are satisfied progressively, only when basic needs are met do their aspirations rise and other goals are set. Thus when the employees are motivated, their dedication and initiative increases as Brown et al., (2005) suggest that the need for self-training arises only later. Employees should be able to identify with the firm’s style which gives rise to the necessity of self-training. Knowledge about the work is essential and continued training in the digital communications firms is considered essential. According to Herzberg two factors act upon the motivation of employees – the hygiene factors and the motivators. Hygienes are the intrinsic entities while motivators are intrinsic (Tietjen & Myers, 1998). According to Herzberg
Sunday, January 26, 2020
The Key Principals Of Effective Communication English Language Essay
The Key Principals Of Effective Communication English Language Essay An interpersonal relationship is an association between two or more people. Interpersonal communication is a term that refers to the ways that interpersonal relationships are shaped, maintained, and changed. Interaction between people, usually in face-to-face or private settings deals with issue of interpersonal communication. People view communication differently, so it helps to understand why people behave and communicate different. Communication may contain the aspects of listening, persuading, asserting and nonverbal communication. Communicating effectively is when the person receiving the information understands you, and you understand them. If your ability to converse well with others is not good, it will affect the importance in your personal and professional success. The concept of interpersonal relationships is given by ones understanding of interpersonal communication its main beliefs, misconceptions and barriers. First, the concept of interpersonal relationships is given by ones understanding of interpersonal communication its main beliefs, misconceptions and barriers. Interpersonal communication includes message sending and receiving between two or more individuals. This can include all areas of communication such as listening, persuading, asserting, nonverbal communication, and more. To communicate well, one must have the basic communication skills. These skills include: Leveling, Listening, Validating, and Ià ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ statements. Leveling means letting a person know your thoughts and feelings. When both parties do not know all of the information, a misunderstanding or conflict arises. Listening is a skill that not only involves hearing what a person is saying, but also comprehending what they are saying. Active listening is when someone makes a mental outline of important points, thinking up questions or challenges to the points that have been made, and becoming mentally involved with the person talking (Hybels Weaver, 2007, p.85) There are several steps involved in active listening. First, we must identify the central idea or the main thought. Next, we must form a mental outline of the speech. Next, we should predict what will come next in the conversation. Fourth, we relate the points of the conversation or speech to our own experience. Then we should look for similarities and differences on the information we are receiving. Is it similar or different from what we already know? Finally, we should ask questions. The next basic communication skill is validating. Validating is a skill that involves communicating to others that you have heard their position or opinion. With validation, we should accept the opinions and feelings of others as being true. Ià ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ statements are when the speaker takes responsibility for their own feelings. This keeps defensiveness, or conflict, away from the communication. An example of an Ià ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ statement is when someone states I understandà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ or I feelà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Using I statements allows us to speak for ourselves. Secondly, people expand and uphold their self-concepts through the course of taking action and building, then reflecting on what they have done and what others tell them about what they have done. Our perceptions are influenced by physical differences, like what we see and hear. Our perceptions are also influenced by the information we receive and what we already know, by habit, and culture. Self-concept is how you think about yourself. Self-concept comes from reflected appraisals from family and friends, and social comparisons. Sometimes judgments can be good or bad. You can change your perceptual influences by staying healthy, avoiding conflicts, taking time out, being accessible, and being able to adjust to other influences. There are many barriers to effective communication. These barriers can be present a persons work or even at home. At work, we speak to many different kinds of people. Many do not have the experience of communicating effectively with others. You need to learn as much as possible about whom you are communicating with, so you can pick the best way to send your message, and then there might less misunderstandings or confusion. The choice of a persons words is one barrier. The words we select to use will have an influence on the quality of our communication. To use words effectively, we need to understand their meanings and associations, in different situations. An additional barrier is the misinterpretation of body language, tone, or other forms of non verbal communication. Again, we should learn how to read another persons nonverbal cues so we know how to respond to them. The way you pay attention, look, shift, and respond tell the other person whether or not you care and how well youre listening. We learn from the very beginning of our lives how to get what we want with gestures and non-communication, and then we learn to trust our environment One more barrier is selective hearing. A very irritating thing about communication is when the person is not listening to you. This can lead to misunderstandings and confusion. Many people choose what they want to hear and do not hear all of the important facts. We should be active listeners so the communication is not lost from one person to the next. You should not be distracted when listening. You should paraphrase, make acknowledgments, dont interrupt, and then respond. A good example of selective listening is with children. Children only hear the beginning of the conversation. They become bored with what they are hearing and lose their concentration. So it is best not to beat around the bush; get straight to the point. Also, an extra barrier is to overcome is power struggles. Sometimes we do not want to listen to someone who does not have the authority over us. Many people think they do not need to listen to another person that may not be of a higher rank then they are. This is true in children and at the workplace. Some other barriers may be stereotyping, or culture differences. All of these barriers can be overcome. To overcome these barriers and become good listeners with effective communication, we should be open-minded, polite, and thoughtful. Everyone could use to learn more when dealing with communication, to learn and understand how to make the interpersonal interactions more efficient. There are many principles to be effective in interpersonal communication. By understanding these principles, we can improve our communication with our coworkers, and anyone we come in contact with. The first principle is to treat each other with respect (Sharland, 2008). This means that instead of putting our energy into complaining about others, we should use that energy for a better use. We should have an open hearted consideration for others no matter who they are or whatever they have done. Treating someone disrespectfully leads to escalating responses. For example, if we have a disagreement with a coworker, we should listen to their point of view to keep the communication ongoing. It would be nearly impossible to work with someone you cannot have a conversation with. This does not mean we have to like this person, but it does mean that the circumstances that caused the issue are unlikely to get worse. The second principle is that we should not interrupt one another (Sharland, 2008). Interruptions can be in a form of speaking at the same time, cell phones ringing, or something other than listening to the speaker. By not interrupting others and focusing on what another person is saying, we are more likely to be listened to. Many times we assume we know what the person is going to say and we bring our own thoughts into the conversation. This is also interrupting. The listener takes over the conversation and they never fully hear what the speaker is saying. Many discussions are hindered by interruptions and often at the end those involved go away with very different views about what has been said (Sharland, 2008). The third principle is that we have the right to pass (Sharland, 2008). Sometimes we may want to pass on something but we still participate because we feel coerced or guilty if we do not participate. We often call this peer pressure. When people are not able to pass on something, they become closed up about their thoughts and feelings because people begin to talk about them. Resentment can build against others and damage a relationship. At work there is often pressure to do what others are doing. If we do not conform to others, we feel isolated and resent the other coworkers. Sometimes it is just difficult to say no. The fourth principle of effective communication is that we do not volunteer others (Sharland, 2008). Sometimes before making a decision for someone else, we should check with them first. When we do not communicate, we cause confusion and conflict. For example, if I were to decide to go somewhere for the weekend and my spouse has made other plans, there may be a conflict between us. Although it may take time to communicate with this other person, it will eliminate any conflict. The time to resolve the conflict is greater than the time it takes to communicate with another. Sometimes we are volunteered to do something that is not in our job description. When this happens, because there is not pay increase, we may resent our employer and may appear unenthusiastic about our job. The fifth principle is to speak only for ourselves (Sharland, 2008). In speaking for ourselves, we often use I statements. Many times we do not hold the same views as others and should not assume they feel the same way. Speaking for others usually leads to conflict. We can assume we know what someone is feeling, but the only way of knowing is to ask them. By using this principle, we make more accurate statements with our communication and avoid unnecessary resentment or conflict. The sixth principle is that we do not speak too often or for too long (Sharland, 2008). If we speak too long, we will have bored listeners and will lose their attention. We will also take too much time and not give them a chance to voice their own opinions. This situation can happen at our workplace such as in meetings or can happen in the home. Many times a parent goes on and on to a child. The child gets tired of listening and is then disciplined for not listening. If a person speaks too often, they are resented because they do not allow others to speak. This happens often in meetings when an individual contributes their thoughts on the subject. They continue with their thoughts and do not give others the opportunity to voice their opinion. The effectiveness of the communication is reduced because the conversation is one-sided. When someone speaks too long or too often, we can improve the conversation by showing our interest. Many times people who repeat things over and over feel t hey are not being heard. If we question them or show our interest, they feel their ideas are being listened to and will move on to the next topic. The seventh principle is that we challenge the behavior and not the person (Sharland, 2008). When we challenge or label a person, ineffective communication occurs. Many times we focus on how someone is perceived to be rather than the behavior they exhibit. Labels are often the result of a conflict. This ineffectiveness in communication brings defensiveness in the person being labeled. When we label a person, the communication does not move forward. We may be able to vent our anger, but we do not communicate the reason for the anger. Instead of name calling, one should express their feelings or the reasons for their behavior. Name calling is just an endless solution. The eighth principle of effective communication is that we respect confidentiality (Sharland, 2008). When we respect ones confidentiality, we gain a persons trust. It also brings a feeling of safety, intimacy, and acknowledging and respecting ones vulnerability in relation to the issue. If we pass on confidential information, we lose the trust of the other person. Many times if people feel their personal information is going to be shared with other, they are uncomfortable and less likely to share their views, fears, ideas, vulnerabilities, or mistakes. The ninth principle is that it is ok to make mistakes (Sharland, 2008). With this principle, we realize that we are not perfect and making mistakes are opportunities for learning, connecting and insight rather than opportunities to condemn others. Without this principle, the other eight would be useless. When we make a mistake, we should use a different principle to be effective in our communication. All of the principles are not rules to go by, but are guidelines to make communication meaningful and effective. Communication is composed of verbal and nonverbal expressions. Verbal communication is what we actually say. Nonverbal communication includes facial expressions, eye contact, body posture, and motions. We are sensitive to these types of body language. As many of us have heard the saying, Our actions speak louder than words. Our nonverbal communication must match what we say. Nonverbal communication can help emphasize the truth, sincerity, and reliability of our communication. Nonverbal communication is important in many situations. It is good to pick up nonverbal cues to prepare oneself on how to handle the situation. We can respond to another appropriately when we understand their nonverbal cues. It also allows us to prevent a violent situation from being escalated. There are many things to consider when interpreting nonverbal communication. We should consider distance. The distance a person stands from another often gives a nonverbal cue. In some cultures, the distance shows how intense the communication is. A persons posture shows how formal the communication is or how relaxed it is. We may be sitting or standing, or have our arms crossed. Another thing to consider is the physical contact with the other person. Shaking hands, embracing, pushing, or patting are all ways to send a nonverbal cue. Some great features of nonverbal communication include facial expressions, gestures, and the way we look at someone. A smile, frown, raised eyebrow, yawn, and sneer can all carry information. There are many different facial expressions and they can change throughout a persons conversation or interaction with another person. Hand movement is the most frequently used gestures but the least understood. People use their hands quite often while they are talki ng. It may be difficult to know what a person is meaning when they use their hands. The person could be just demonstrating something with their hands. Another feature of nonverbal communication is eye contact. Effective communication is very important for you the speaker and the listener. When we communicate effectively, we can eliminate misunderstandings and conflict. When we listen, we need to hear all of the details and be sympathetic to their feelings. We need to learn how to read nonverbal cues. By learning the basic communication skills one can have better communication with others. Effective communication is an essential component to be successful whether it is at work or at home.
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